About Me
Jace Lau (seclee)
Jinyao Liu is a Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng) student at Shandong University (SDU), supervised by Prof. Pengfei Hu, specializing in Computer Technology. His research interests include CloudNative, GPU, Distributed Memory, and High-Performance Communication Network Technology for Data Centers.
He received his Master’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from Changchun University of Science and Technology (CUST) in 2024, under the supervision of Prof. Hui Qi. His research focused on solving the congestion control problem in weak network environments using Reinforcement Learning, particularly in satellite networks and transoceanic networks. Jinyao also earned his Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Science and Technology from CUST. Before pursuing his Master’s, Jinyao was an independent full-stack developer (Django, FastAPI, Vue, Flutter) and a web security CTF participant.