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- dynamic bandwidth allocation;动态贷款分配
- beam steering;波束控制
- innovations;创新
- raw throughput;原始吞吐量
- latency;延时
- The underlying technology;底层技术
- mainstream;主流
- satcom;卫星通信
- wireless carries;无线运营商
- suppliers;供应商
- specification;规范
- capacity;容量
- specturm;谱,波谱,光谱
- accelerate;加速
- cable;电缆
- peaks;峰值
- telcos;电信公司
- emerging production;新兴产品
- propell;推进
- urban;城市的
- rural;农村的
- seamless;无缝的
- coverage;覆盖范围
- operator;运营商
- terrestrial;陆地的
- communication system;通信网络
- high altitude;高海拔
- multicasting;多播
- broadcasting;广播
- satellite;卫星
- novel mobile communication networks;新型移动通信网络
- tight interaction;紧交互性
- complementary;互补性
- characteristics;特点
- convergence;融合 ,satellite and terrestrial network convergence
- imformation dissemination;信息传播,不可dissemination loss,要用propagation
- architectures;体系
- literature;文献
- performance evaluation;性能评估
- bottleneck;瓶颈
- efficiency;效能
- traditional information exchanging restrictions;传统信息交换限制
- evolution;演变
- intensive;集中的,加强的
- intensive computing performance;密集计算性能
- distributed communication infrastructure;分布式通信基础设施
- deliver;交付(massive data to be delivered)
- an integrated network;一个综合性的网络(整合起来的网络)
- unprecedented;前所未有的
- accommodating skyrocketing traffic flow with the spectrum scarcity;流量暴增带来的频谱稀缺问题
- amount escalation of the Internet of Thing and transformation for an all-IP environment network;物联网数量的升级和全ip环境网络的转换
- retrieving:取回找回,检索
- cellulat network;移动网络
- low-density population;人口密度低
- communication entities;通信实体
- backhaul network;回程网络
- is constraint to;受…约束
- alleviate;缓解
- scale;规模
- scalability;可伸缩性
- redundancy;冗余
- qualification;资格
- construction;建设
- geographical restrictions;地域限制
- ubiquitous service footprint;无处不在的服务足迹
- access schemes;接入策略?
- getstationary earth orbit satellite (GEO);GEO卫星,地球静止轨道卫星
- constellations;星座
- comprised of;包含
- low earth orbit(LEO) satellite;近地低轨卫星
- forged … into ..;伪造..到…
- integration;整合,综合 of …and…
- prospect;前景
- optimum solutions;最优解
- enablers:因子,因素,驱动力
- complementary;互补的
- interconnected;连通的
- distinguish;区分
- intelligence;个人的
- ultimate;极好的,ultimate 5g performance
- congestion;拥堵,拥挤
- base station;基站
- scalability and agility;扩展性和敏捷性
- contractor;承包商
- manufacturer;制造商
- the terms of the agreement;协议的条款
- vendor;厂商,小贩,卖家 multi-vendor多厂商
- antenna;天线,触角
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